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Tag: mindfulness

I See In Color, 2021

I write about my painting process because I know that there are others like me: people who “see the world in color” and create in response. This blog is all about the power of noticing color and responding. It’s a reminder to take a deep breath, close our eyes, and re-center ourselves whenever color speaks.

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Upside Downs, Right Side Ups, and Creative Process

It’s important that we adjust our perspective right now. If we want to make the most of our present moment, we need to change our attitude and approach things a little bit differently. People are unhappy with the way things are. Everyone agrees that things aren’t normal. Even the luckiest have their world turned upside down by COVID. How do we face each day with a sense of hope and peace? This blog explores creativity’s power to turn our “Upside Downs” to “Right Side Ups.”

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