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Tag: mindfulness

Childhood Art Experiences

“Childhood” is an experimental piece created to grasp my earliest, primal childhood art experiences; ones that most powerfully formed and shaped my present creative process. This assemblage sculpture started with a list of things that formed my artistic process: things like macrame, beads, macaroni, and yarn. I am mindful of the ways capturing “Childhood” pushed the limits of every aspect of my creative process.

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Paint and Release

I painted these candlesticks while my mind recalled bits and pieces of memories: memories that are getting foggier and foggier. There’s something healing about painting it. When I complete a painting, I release my hold on something I was holding too tightly. Paint and release. Paint and release. With each stroke of the brush, I am aware of how peaceful I am. There is something incredibly soothing about the entire process. I am mindful of the reality that art is an incredible gift. Read this blog to learn more about the incredible gift of creative process.

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Mindful of the Beauty

Can you see the simple beauty in this painting? Are you mindful of the moments when beauty is waiting to be seen? Join me. This blog is a challenge to consider capturing the elegant allure of something right in front of you, and give it voice through creative expression. Let creative mindfulness help you SEE THE BEAUTY!

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Creative Process, Contradiction, and Surprises

This blog is a challenge to make some art and compare it with the creations of other artists. The challenge is not to compare to rank and judge. We can celebrate all the possibilities and recognize that our interpretation is valid, valuable, and important. We are so quick to judge ourselves and others. You and I can make something, be mindful, and let it be what it is. We can trust it and embrace it and do the same with what we see others create. This simple step has the power to help guide this fascinating planet to greater understanding, less rigidity, and a bit more shine.

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