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Mindfulness Paintings Blog!

The Mindfulness Paintings Blog will explore creative meditation exercises, mindfulness artwork and mindfulness art activities. Please share your thoughts, ideas and experiences as we journey towards being more mindful as we create. This is a safe place for the inner artist to share, notice and grow in mindfulness.


Childhood Art Experiences

December 3, 2022

Written by: mindfulnesspaintings

Childhood art experiences are powerful and can have a great influence on our artistic process. “Childhood” is an experimental piece created to grasp my earliest, primal creative experiences; ones that most powerfully formed and shaped my present creative process. I have never made a mobile. This choice was the pièce de resistance for capturing “Childhood.” Nothing ignited my imagination more than the colorful, freely moving, spinning objects of whirligigs hung from the nursery ceiling for my amusement. This experimental piece started with a list of things that formed my artistic process: macrame, beads, macaroni, yarn, pipe cleaners, crayons, buttons, childlike colors, pom poms, a found object reinvented from a child’s perspective, and fascinatingly colorful keys echoing memories of my infant teething ring. “Childhood” reversed my usual process. It forced me to intentionally choose from my list of preselected objects and consider the inherent shifts of each choice on the design. New to assemblage, I am mindful of the ways capturing “Childhood” pushed the limits of every aspect of my creative process.

Much of my art is made in a liminal space: a place of sitting, waiting, and creating in-between “Yesterday” and “Tomorrow.” She seizes “Right Now” while capturing the past and peeking into “What’s Next.” My liminal creations invite others to join her on creative, imaginative journeys through time and space. “Childhood” is an invitation for you to journey back to the beginning of your artistic journey and then return to the present moment with new understating of personal creative process influences.

What childhood art experiences have influenced your artistic process? How might you grasp your earliest, primal creative experiences? How can you push the limits of your creative process through consideration of your childhood art experiences? This blog is an opportunity to consider your answers and explore them though your art practice. Consider this blog as a place to share what you discover in your exploration. Be mindful of how childhood art experience can speak though your creative practice.

Click here to read about mindfulness art.

Click here to learn more about Mindfulness Paintings. Mindfulness Paintings: A Book of Creative Meditation Exercises, Artwork, and Art Activities: 9781793436863: Clark, Alisa E.: Books


This is a sculpture made from macrame, beads, macaroni, yarn, pipe cleaners, crayons, buttons, childlike colors, pom poms, a found object reinvented from a child’s perspective, and fascinatingly colorful keys echoing memories of the artist’s infant teething ring. This sculpture is a mobile that spins. It was created to capture early childhood art experiences.

“Childhood” is an experimental piece created to grasp my earliest, primal childhood art experiences; ones that most powerfully formed and shaped my present creative process. This assemblage sculpture started with a list of things that formed my artistic process: things like macrame, beads, macaroni, and yarn. I am mindful of the ways capturing “Childhood” pushed the limits of every aspect of my creative process.


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