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Tag: present moment

Paint It As You See It

As I remember it, I paint it as I see it. The door wasn’t really red. The house wasn’t yellow. Somehow, changing the colors makes it just right. I paint it as I see it today. I am mindful of my memories, and I am aware of how they bring meaning to the present moment. This blog is an encouragement to paint it as you see it.

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Mindful of a New Moment to Be Lived

Today, I am mindful of the present moment. While different and bittersweet, it brings good things for me to celebrate. I paint what was, what is, and what will be. I try to be aware of it all. Join me in noticing what yesterday, today, and tomorrow brings. Capture it in the way that helps you in this new moment to be lived. This blog will give you an opportunity to consider your “new moment” and the ways you might lay hold of it.

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Stove, Spigot, and a Flower Pot, 2021

What is your creative process? How does your present moment speak through your choice of artistic expression? How do you say, “This is my “Right Now”?” From your present moment, how do you capture the past, what still brings you joy, and what holds great meaning for you? This blog will explore ways you can share how you capture it all. It’s an invitation to share your creative process.

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Upside Downs, Right Side Ups, and Creative Process

It’s important that we adjust our perspective right now. If we want to make the most of our present moment, we need to change our attitude and approach things a little bit differently. People are unhappy with the way things are. Everyone agrees that things aren’t normal. Even the luckiest have their world turned upside down by COVID. How do we face each day with a sense of hope and peace? This blog explores creativity’s power to turn our “Upside Downs” to “Right Side Ups.”

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Finding Your Way Back to You

I’m feeling lost. I’ve got to make some good choices to settle myself down. I’m working on my mind right now: the tape that’s playing in my head. I’m telling it to slow down, and I’m telling it I’m going to be OK. There’s a lot going on, so my head is swimming with voices. Not audible ones. Just those quiet whispers that we tend to give too little attention. They are insidious. I must find a way to silence them.

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