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Making Sculptures with Powertex

Being mindful of your materials and art making processes helps art makers create work while “fully present” in the moment. Consider these angel sculptures that are made with Powertex Textile Medium. The angels have been painted white and then covered with a sheen of blues, greens, and golds. This blog gives instructions and demonstrations for making all types of 3D sculptures with Powertex Textile Medium.

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Fiber Art

This fiber art 3D relief is made from a list of things that formed my artistic process: macrame, beads, cardboard, pieces of cloth, swatches of burlap, macaroni, yarn, pipe cleaners, crayons, buttons, childlike colors, pom poms, and found objects reinvented from a child’s perspective. Fiber elements allow me to include fascinatingly colorful, textural details echoing first memories of art making.

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Childhood Art Experiences

“Childhood” is an experimental piece created to grasp my earliest, primal childhood art experiences; ones that most powerfully formed and shaped my present creative process. This assemblage sculpture started with a list of things that formed my artistic process: things like macrame, beads, macaroni, and yarn. I am mindful of the ways capturing “Childhood” pushed the limits of every aspect of my creative process.

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The Unlocking of My Mind

The woman you see in “The Unlocking of My Mind” is me, and the lock symbolizes the unlocking of my mind: the new ability to see outside the box and comprehend the “truth” of others who live and believe differently from me. The lock also represents the oppression of others. There’s a little more symbolism in this artwork. I am of Greek origin. A hand-made wreath of tree leaves, twigs, fruits, and flowers is customary for Greek women, and I wear that wreath in this painting. “Wreath” means “a thing bound around.” It can represent a restriction or “a place with certain limits.” I ask the question, “In what ways was I raised and taught to see restrictions and limits on others and myself?” “The Unlocking of My Mind” is all about this question.

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Is That Really Me?

I am mindful of the challenge: combining 25 surrealistic art techniques including cut outs, cubomania, collage, bulletism, automatism, graphomania, and excavation. Bright red splotches, black drips, white splatters, and a faceless cutout cover the surface of this canvas. In the present moment, I can see this exercise stretching me.

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